Benny loves the snow almost as much as me!
#Buffalo #BuffaloStorm2022 #Buffalolakeeffect #Buffalosnow
Originally tweeted by BuffaloWeather (@weather_buffalo) on November 18, 2022.
Look at these snow drifts on my roof!!
#LakeEffectSnow #LakeEffect #buffaloStorm2022 #buffalosnow #buffalo #buffalolakeeffect
Originally tweeted by BuffaloWeather (@weather_buffalo) on November 19, 2022.
I’ve never witnessed the #LakeEffect wall move like that.
This was around 11:30pm Friday as the band shifted into #Buffalo.
This was absolutely unreal to witness. @WGRZ
Originally tweeted by Nate Benson (@natebenson) on November 19, 2022.
Approaching 6 feet of snow here in Hamburg!
#BuffaloStorm2022 #BuffaloNY #Buffalo #Buffalosnow #Buffalolakeeffect #LakeEffectSnow
Originally tweeted by BuffaloWeather (@weather_buffalo) on November 19, 2022.