Daily global temperatures are still in unchartered territory and still breaking daily records in early February 2024. These two charts are a comparison between my DIYDIY Do It Yourself Global Temperature series on the left, with that from Copernicus and ERA5ERA ERA stands for 'ECMWF Re-Analysis' and refers to a series of research projects at ECMWF which produced various datasets (ERA-Interim, ERA-40, etcetera). on the right. My series is based on rather crude NCEPNCEP The United States National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) delivers national and global weather, water, climate and space weather guidance, forecasts, warnings and analyses to its Partners and External User Communities. reanalysis 2.5×2.5 gridded data, whilst ERA5 is based on reanalysis data over a much finer 0.1×0.1 grid I believe. The biggest difference is the estimates of the global temperature, my DIY series being around 9.4°C, whilst the ERA5 is 13.5°C. But the shape of the daily temperature line series are quite similar if you take a closer look even though the DIY series is based on a much coarser grid.