We might think we’ve had a very mild November so far but it’s been exceptionally mild across southern Scandinavia with anomalies for the first two weeks +6.9°C above the 1991-2020 LTALTALong Term Average. This is usually defined as a 30 year period by the WMO.. The central Atlantic remains slightly colder than average despite the above average SSTSSTSea Surface Temperatures.
How’s this for a confusing bit of gobbledygook from the Met OfficeUKMOThe Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy about the 1.5°C rise in global temperatures. The title seems to suggest that 1.5°C will be realised in 2100 but that’s not what the article says. It may reach it before then and overshooting it, before falling back to +1.5°C by 2100. They seem to have side-stepped the $64,000 dollar question, which is of course when will global temperatures reach the much hyped 1.5°C higher than in pre-industrial times?
Another interesting satellite image this morning. After the rain stopped and the cloud cleared early yesterday evening here in the Strath, we promptly went into fog (sky discernable) which is only just thinning out now. A cold night with a minimum of just 1.4°C.
The cold high over the NW of Sweden is resisting the incursion of milder air from the UKUKThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland., and the frontal system trying to edge E across Scotland this lunchtime has been stalled, so much so that a small wave on the cold front has developed over the SW of Scotland. The rain arrived in StrathpefferStrathpefferStrathpeffer (Scottish Gaelic: Srath Pheofhair) is a village and spa town in Easter Ross, Highland, Scotland, with a population of 1,469. a couple of hours earlier than forecast by the UKMOUKMOThe Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, but that didn’t prevent us getting the lawan cut and some leaves sucked up! Grass still growing in mid-November is something we can do without.
The year 2022 is still currently the warmest year in the CETCETCentral England Temperature series that started back in 1659. I make the mean temperature up to the 13th of November 12.08°C a massive +1.97°C above the 1961-1990 LTALTALong Term Average. This is usually defined as a 30 year period by the WMO.. It’s closest rival is the year 2014 with a mean of 11.72°C. I can’t see 2022 being beaten now, the only thing that might stop it is if we get a repeat performance of December 2010, which to be honest looks highly unlikely.
I can count at least twelve new daily maximums that have occurred this year (red diamonds), and another seven new daily high minimums as well. If you like me like snowy winters this graph does make pretty bleak viewing, with few in the way of air frosts.
The last 17 monthly mean temperature in the UKUKThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. have all been above the 1981-2010 LTALTALong Term Average. This is usually defined as a 30 year period by the WMO. in the gridded climate data series from the UKMOUKMOThe Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. I’m sure we are going to hear a lot more about this particularly salient fact in the next few weeks, so I thought I would spend some time and write a viewer that displayed consecutive mean temperatures. I think I’ve come up with the best solution to visualise spells of above or below average climatic values, be they means of temperature, or totals of precipitation or sunshine.
It’s certainly true that there hasn’t been a longer, more incredible, spell of consecutive warm months in the gridded series since 1884, although there have been a couple of longer runs of consecutive cold months. The period between March 1885 and September 1886 saw 19 consecutive cold months for example. There are many ways of deriving statistics like this, using mean maximum or mean minimum, or perhaps changing the LTA.
Still a couple weeks left till the official end of the North Atlantic season, but it looks fairly certain that the 2022 has seen a slightly below average season using the ACEACEAccumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is a metric used by various agencies to express the energy released by a tropical cyclone during its lifetime. It is calculated by summing the square of a tropical cyclone's maximum sustained winds, measured every six hours. The resulting total can be divided by 10,000 to make it more manageable, or added to other totals in order to work out a total for a particular group of storms. as a measure. So many short lived tropical cyclones barely last more than 36 or 48 hours in recent years thanks to the intense forensic work of the NHC that counting the number of named storms (17) isn’t a particularly good way to measure just how active anyone season has been.
If you thought it was extremely mild across the north of Scotland take a look at southern Scandinavia. The solid returns of +6°C anomalies across the Lancashire plain are another indication that the Myerscough temperature was around 2°C too warm, but what do I know?
Large rises of pressure behind the cold front across NW Scotland. The large area of orographic rainOrographic rainOrographic precipitation occurs when moist air is forced upwards over rising terrain and condenses on the slope, such as a mountain. ahead of the cold front and which has been plaguing W Scotald for three days has very quickly shrunk away to nothing this evening.
A truly extraordinarily mild day across the country today. Temperatures in the strath have already reached 18.6°C in this mornings sunshine, making it the warmest place in the British Isles, and even a touch warmer than along the Moray Coast. These high temperatures are being fueled by a super foehnFoehnA foehn, is a type of dry, relatively warm, downslope wind that occurs in the lee (downwind side) of a mountain range. It is a rain shadow wind that results from the subsequent adiabatic warming of air that has dropped most of its moisture on windward slopes (see orographic lift). As a consequence of the different adiabatic lapse rates of moist and dry air, the air on the leeward slopes becomes warmer than equivalent elevations on the windward slopes. effect that’s going on in the southwesterly flow in the broad and elongated warm sector, with winds over Ben Nevis and CairngormCairn GormCairn Gorm (Scottish Gaelic: An Cà rn Gorm) is a mountain in the Scottish Highlands. It is part of the Cairngorms range and wider Grampian Mountains. With a summit elevation of 1,245 m (4,085 ft) above sea level, Cairn Gorm is classed as a Munro and is the seventh-highest mountain in the British Isles. close to hurricane force 12, and gusts in excess of 100 mph.
Ben Rich should have taken a look at the observations from mountain stations across Scotland, he might then have realised that you didn’t have to look at high level wind at 35,000 feet to find extremely windy conditions.
So a daytime maximum on Friday the 11 November 2022 of 18°C in the north of Scotland is termed Mild, whilst at the same time a maximum of 17°C in the southeast of England is termed Exceptionally Mild. Why the disparity? Also notice the difference in wordcount which also reflects the UKMOUKMOThe Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy preoccupation with regions outwith London and the south east.