Overnight minimums

Not quite as cold as the Met OfficeUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy expected across large parts of central and eastern England overnight. If you’re not sure what the minimum temperatures will be over the highlands of Scotland, simply don’t add a temperature for Inverness, Braemar or Aviemore and then you can’t be wrong.

Temperature, UKMO

Overnight minimums Read More »

Wet February 2023?

Weather patterns in Autumn may lead to flooding in February, Met Office warns. I’ve put a watch on this bit of news. I’ll revisit it at the start of March, if I remember and am still around, to see if the prediction holds water. The Guardian has made it impossible to directly share any of it’s articles with WordPress(?), so the only way around it was to share the article as a tweet and then embed the tweet in WordPress.

The Guardian, UKMO

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1.5°C still alive, but most likely in 2100

How’s this for a confusing bit of gobbledygook from the Met OfficeUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy about the 1.5°C rise in global temperatures. The title seems to suggest that 1.5°C will be realised in 2100 but that’s not what the article says. It may reach it before then and overshooting it, before falling back to +1.5°C by 2100. They seem to have side-stepped the $64,000 dollar question, which is of course when will global temperatures reach the much hyped 1.5°C higher than in pre-industrial times?

Global Temperatures, UKMO

1.5°C still alive, but most likely in 2100 Read More »

Differences in UKMO regional forecasts

So a daytime maximum on Friday the 11 November 2022 of 18°C in the north of Scotland is termed Mild, whilst at the same time a maximum of 17°C in the southeast of England is termed Exceptionally Mild. Why the disparity? Also notice the difference in wordcount which also reflects the UKMOUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy preoccupation with regions outwith London and the south east.

Forecasts, UKMO

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