
Tapo Webcam

I bought a Tapo webcam this summer produced by TP-Link, and since then it’s sat on our bedroom window sill looking NENE North East’ward and down the strath. No subscription involved, it faultlessly connects to your wi-fi and stores hi-res video it takes onto a micro-SD card for a couple of weeks, before reaching the end and starting all over again, loop recording. It’s viewable from anywhere in the house from my smartphone, I suppose you might be able to view it remotely over the internet, but I’ve never tried it, as I don’t get out much these days. There are a couple of things I am disappointed with, at night, because it automatically goes into infrared mode at a certain light level, it doesn’t capture constellations or planets. The other thing it doesn’t do a very well I’ve found are colourful sunrises, which are often disappointing, with colours that are not as extensive or as vivid as they are in reality.
The one thing I can’t show are time lapse videos of fast moving skyscapes or strong convective clouds development, for the simple reason I didn’t save any 😖.

Clouds, Photos

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A distant CB

Dear Diary
I spotted a distant CBCB Cumulonimbus cloud. Well-developed cumulonimbus clouds are characterized by a flat, anvil-like top looking northeast down the Strath this morning. I reckon it must have been was some way off the coast of Caithness gauging by the weather radar and the satellite imagery.

That distant CB survived and grew a little during the day as it drifted very slowly south and was still here just before sunset lit up by the setting sun at 1520 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)..

Clouds, Photos, Satellite, Weather Radar

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