
Recent temperatures in Svalbard

I finally tracked down on the internet what purport to be the 1991-2020 LTALTA Long Term Average. This is usually defined as a 30 year period by the WMO. for the airport at Svalbard, and produced these charts of temperatures and anomalies for the period 27 October 2024 to the 15 February 2025. As you can see the results are quite startling, with mean maximum anomalies for the whole period a massive +7.8°C above average, with only four of the one hundred and twelve days with maximum temperatures below the LTA. It’s not until you examine station data such as this, that you realise just how rapidly the Arctic is warming at present.

Arctic, Global Warming, Temperature

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Ice free Arctic? | 7 June 2071 | Another date for your diary

I couldn’t quite believe the new research by Alexandra Jahn, of the University of Colorado that claims that the Arctic could be free of sea ice by the end of this decade 😮. In her research for free of ice read 386,000 square miles, or a million square kilometres, which isn’t exactly what I would describe as “free of sea ice”. I make the date to true zero to be the 7th of June 2071 by extrapolating a simple linear trend for the last 30 years of minima. Even then the Arctic would never be truly free of sea ice I suspect. The date to the one million square kilometres mentioned in the report at the same rate would be around the summer of 2058, which looks far more realistic than the end of this decade. 😉

USA Today
Arctic, Sea Ice Extent, Software

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