
May 2023: Mean pressure and anomalies

An unusually anticyclonic month across the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. and the most anticyclonic since 1996 I later discovered

Zoomed in retrospective for the whole of spring. As you can see May didn’t start on an anticyclonic note.

Anomalies, May, Pressure

May 2023: Mean pressure and anomalies Read More »

April 2023: Mean pressure and anomalies

A band of higher than average pressure persisted across Greenland and northern Scandinavia for much of the month. Pressure was 12 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar lower than average in the central Atlantic. The resulting pressure pattern left IONAIONA Islands Of North Atlantic. Yes I know there's an island called Iona, but this is so I don't have to use the term 'British Isles' when referring to the whole of Ireland and the UK. in a col like area in the monthly mean pressure chart. The barograph for central Iceland show this is the second spell of significantly above average pressure so far this year there.

Anomalies, Pressure

April 2023: Mean pressure and anomalies Read More »

March 2023 – Mean Pressure

No need to look very far for reasons why March was so wet across the south of the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.. Anomalies of -19 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar in the southern mid-Atlantic and +18 hPa over Greenland pushed the omnipresent Icelandic low much further south than usual and with it the SW’ly conveyor. That kept much of the colder air north of 60° north and the very mild air south of 50° north, leaving the UK in a kind of mish mash between them.

Anomalies, March, Pressure

March 2023 – Mean Pressure Read More »

February 2023 exceptionally anticyclonic?

Don’t get the idea that the positive MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. anomalies across the SW of England of +13.8 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar so far this February are in anyway exceptional – on looking at all February’s back to 1948 using reanalysis data, I think I can safely say it’s not. Put it down to my naivety, I never realised just how varied the month of February, or any month for that matter, can be in IONAIONA Islands Of North Atlantic. Yes I know there's an island called Iona, but this is so I don't have to use the term 'British Isles' when referring to the whole of Ireland and the UK.. Take a look at the very anticyclonic nature and anomalies of Februaries in 1959 and 2012 are for example, or the anomalies and AEAE Anticyclonic Easterly of 1986, but there I’m straying off topic.

February, Pressure

February 2023 exceptionally anticyclonic? Read More »

Winter so far dominated by intense Azores High

Winter 2022-23 [DJFDJF Meteorological Winter comprising the months of December, January & February] has been dominated to a large extent by a more intense Azores high than usual. This has kept things fairly mobile especially the north and has also provided a good deal of dry and quiet weather across southern parts, with increased numbers of overnight frost and fog. Anomalies have been generally between 4 and 8 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar above the LTALTA Long Term Average. This is usually defined as a 30 year period by the WMO.. The only time the Azores high did relinquish its hold was in December of 2022, when the flow across IONAIONA Islands Of North Atlantic. Yes I know there's an island called Iona, but this is so I don't have to use the term 'British Isles' when referring to the whole of Ireland and the UK. reversed and we saw the only spell of anticyclonic easterlies we’ve seen so far this winter.

Circulation, Pressure, Winter

Winter so far dominated by intense Azores High Read More »

January 2023 – Mean Pressure & anomalies

What can you say about January 2023 other than it was another very typical January, mobile and a little on the mild side. The mean pressure chart does completely masks the fact that we had a cold spell in the third week, with a foot of snow here in the Highlands, followed by a very cold anticyclonic spell in the south to follow. The eight charts below of mean pentad pressures do five a little more detail into the subtle variations we’ve seen since Christmas.


January 2023 – Mean Pressure & anomalies Read More »

December 2022 – MSLP anomalies

A massively large positive MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. anomaly over Greenland (+24 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar) in December, combined with lower than average pressure to the west of Corunna in the Atlantic (-10 hPa), produced and odd looking trough of low pressure aligned SW-NENE North East to the west of the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. in the mean pressure chart for the month. It’s one of those months, split into two diametrically opposed weather types NE-CNECNE Cyclonic Northeasterly-CSW-CW, that tend to cancel each out over the month, to produce a rather misleading mean MSLP chart.

Anomalies, Pressure

December 2022 – MSLP anomalies Read More »

November 2022 – Mean Pressure & Anomalies

Dear Diary,
It’s no wonder that November 2022 was both windy, wet and mild across IONAIONA Islands Of North Atlantic. Yes I know there's an island called Iona, but this is so I don't have to use the term 'British Isles' when referring to the whole of Ireland and the UK.. The Icelandic low was over 19 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar lower and a little further to the SW than usual, whilst the Azores high was 2 hPa higher than the LTALTA Long Term Average. This is usually defined as a 30 year period by the WMO., which squeezed the SW flow even tighter. Pressure was close to 10 hPa above average for the month across northern Scandinavia.

November, Pressure

November 2022 – Mean Pressure & Anomalies Read More »

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