
Christmas Days 1836-2023

It’s not the first time I’ve done this, but what the hell, here are all the Christmas Day 1200 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. and 500 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar GPHGPH Geopotential height (GPH) is a vertical coordinate that represents the height of a pressure surface above mean sea level. reanalysis charts, from CFSCFS The Climate Forecast System or coupled forecast system (CFS) is a medium to long range numerical weather prediction and a climate model run by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) to bridge weather and climate timescales. Version 2 became operational as CFSv2 in 2011. and NOAANOAA NOAA is an agency in the Department of Commerce that maps the oceans and conserves their living resources; predicts changes to the earth's environment; provides weather reports and forecasts floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters related to weather., from 1836 to 2023, courtesy of Wetterzentrale. If you’re reading this in December, and it’s before the 25th, have a very Merry Christmas 😁

Christmas, Reanalysis

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Novembers 1948-2024 | Highest & Lowest MSLP

I’ve just added a search routine to find the lowest and highest MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. in a given rectangular area for any period back to 1948 from reanalysis data I’ve downloaded. It was not too difficult to do in code, except when the area spanned the Greenwich meridian! Unfortunately the grid is rather coarse at 2.5° x 2.5°, but it suffices because the amount of data for a finer grid would be enormous. Here are the results I’ve generated for the highest and lowest MSLP around the British Isles for all Novembers back to 1948. The latest reanalysis data I have only extends to the 19th of November this year, so it may well be that storm Bert has beaten the 950.8 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar from 2010 in the last few days.

Highest MSLP
November 1948-2024
Lowest MSLP
November 1948-2024
MSLP, Reanalysis, Software

Novembers 1948-2024 | Highest & Lowest MSLP Read More »

Winter 1963 – Daily MSLP and 500 hPa heights

Christmas Day 12 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

This post is more of a reminder to myself about an application I wrote to display a grid of charts it downloads from Wetterzentrale. You can choose to display CFSCFS The Climate Forecast System or coupled forecast system (CFS) is a medium to long range numerical weather prediction and a climate model run by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) to bridge weather and climate timescales. Version 2 became operational as CFSv2 in 2011., ERAERA ERA stands for 'ECMWF Re-Analysis' and refers to a series of research projects at ECMWF which produced various datasets (ERA-Interim, ERA-40, etcetera). or NOAANOAA NOAA is an agency in the Department of Commerce that maps the oceans and conserves their living resources; predicts changes to the earth's environment; provides weather reports and forecasts floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters related to weather. reanalysis charts either as charts of isobars overlaid over colour filled contours of 500 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar heights, or as charts of isolines of 850 hPa geopotential heights, overlaid on colour filled contours of 850 hPa temperature. I think it produces a pretty useful grid of charts to view a month, or a season, but in truth I haven’t used it that much in the last 12 years. The example above displays surface pressure charts for Christmas day.

Winter [DJFDJF Meteorological Winter comprising the months of December, January & February]

The grid of images above, is for daily MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. and daily 500 hPa geopotential heights for each day of the infamous winter of 1962-63.

The other innovative thing that I added to the application, was a colour analyser (above image). This does a lookup on the colour of each pixel across the map of the British Isles in the downloaded image, and calculates an overall average which it uses to plot a graph and fill a table with the daily 850 hPa temperature or the 500 hPa geopotential height. A crude but quite effect way of gauging just how warm or cold it is on any given day.
There are problems with the app, but out of my control, in that Wetterzentrale for some years, use a slightly different resolution and size for their images. I could fix it but it’s fiddly. They also seem now not to load the ERA reanalysis images on their server. Who knows for how much longer they’ll maintain the CFS and NOAA images, it would be a real loss if this went.

Circulation, MSLP, Reanalysis, Software, Temperature

Winter 1963 – Daily MSLP and 500 hPa heights Read More »

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