The mystery photo of Ben Wyvis

I was researching Ben Wyvis in Wikipedia for an article that I was writing and came across this incredible picture looking east from Loch Glascarnoch towards Ben Wyvis, with what looks like a shallow layer of fog covering both the loch, the A835 to its south, and the glen beyond. I would guess the picture was possibly taken on high ground to the south of the loch, and judging by the direction of the shadows on the fog layer at around lunchtime.

The credits show that the picture was taken by D.J.MacPherson with a creation date of 2009-01-02. At first I thought that there had been some kind of trickery involved with its production, but when I checked the weather chart for midday on the second of January 2009 and found it had been a frosty, clear anticyclonic day in the northwest Highlands with fog reported at Aviemore and Kinloss which seemed to fit. The only odd thing is that there’s no proper snow cover on Ben Wyvis.

What clinched it was when I checked the NASANASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the US federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research. EOSDISEOSDIS The Earth Observing System Data and Information System is a key core capability in NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Program. Designed and maintained by Raytheon Intelligence & Space, it is a comprehensive data and information system designed to perform a wide variety of functions in support of a heterogeneous national and international user community. Worldview visible satellite image for that day.

So my bit of amateur “meteorological sleuthing” paid off 😉
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