
The Donna Nook Heat Burst

I never noticed this rare ‘Heat Burst’ that occurred at Donna Nook in NENE North East Lincolnshire on the 25th of July 2019. I still have the hourly SYNOPs from the AWSAWS Automatic Weather Station at Donna Nook so I can construct a crude thermograph for that evening. As you can see the temperature surged to 32.2°C a rise of 10.2°C between 1950 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). and 2050 UTC, at the same time dewpoints fell from 18.3°C to 12.6°C, with the relative humidity falling to just 30%.
This was called by a heat burst, the theory behind heat bursts are that they’re the result of a downdraught of very warm and dry air associated with a decaying thunderstorm. Worldwide they are very elusive, and in the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. extremely very rare mesoscale event indeed. You can read more about them on Wikipedia.
I came across the event after reading about it the book “Very British Weather” from the Met OfficeUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, who says I never give them credit?

I did a search on Twitter and found that the Met Office did tweet about the heat burst the next day and included their own more detailed thermograph.

Now here’s a mystery, after downloading the archived SFERICs from BlitzortungBlitzortung is a lightning detection network for locating electromagnetic discharges in the atmosphere (lightning discharges) with very low frequency receivers based on the time of arrival (TOA) and time of group arrival (TOGA) method. for that day, I found there weren’t any! So what’s going on? Did a visiting holiday maker wild camping on the beach start a barbecue under the Stevenson screen just after 9pm? No, on running another query on Blitzortung I find there wasn’t a single SFERIC detected on the whole planet for that particular day! “Vorsprung Durch Technik” as they say in Germany.

No investigation would be complete without a plotted SYNOPSYNOP SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) is a numerical code (called FM-12 by WMO) used for reporting weather observations made by manned and automated weather stations. SYNOP reports are typically mad hourly and consist of groups of numbers (and slashes where data is not available) describing general weather information, such as the temperature, barometric pressure and visibility at a weather station. chart for the hour in question. As you can see despite what Blitzortung believes there were some heat thunderstorms around, and look to have been medium level affairs, after all this was the day that Cambridge set a new UK record for the warmest July day of 38.1°C.

One final curiosity about this heat burst concerns an AMOUK ship that turn up very regularly in the UK SYNOP reports. I say ship, but because occasionally they do report on land 😲. I still don’t know what they are or who they belong to, I guess they are some sort of mobile AWS which usually turn out very accurate observation for extended periods. I could write software to track them, but that’s another story. The reason I mention them here is that AMOUKo5 reported an even higher temperature at sea of 33.1°C with a dewpoint of 9.6°C, just offshore (53.5N 0.2E) of Donna Nook at 21 UTC. Notice too that the old Humber light vessel (03380) reported a temperature of 29.0°C at that time as well.

Heat Bursts, Temperature, Thunderstorms

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Easter Day Christmas Day temperature comparison

I saw someone mention this on Twitter/X yesterday, so I thought that I’d take a closer look.
A comparison between the maximum temperatures on [A] Easter Day 2024 and [B] Christmas Day 2023. As you can see it was colder on Easter Day in the southeast compared to Christmas Day, but much warmer in Scotland on Easter Day that it was on Christmas day. Not a lot of people know that. 😉

Christmas, Easter, Temperature

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The mystery photo of Ben Wyvis

I was researching Ben Wyvis in Wikipedia for an article that I was writing and came across this incredible picture looking east from Loch Glascarnoch towards Ben Wyvis, with what looks like a shallow layer of fog covering both the loch, the A835 to its south, and the glen beyond. I would guess the picture was possibly taken on high ground to the south of the loch, and judging by the direction of the shadows on the fog layer at around lunchtime.

The credits show that the picture was taken by D.J.MacPherson with a creation date of 2009-01-02. At first I thought that there had been some kind of trickery involved with its production, but when I checked the weather chart for midday on the second of January 2009 and found it had been a frosty, clear anticyclonic day in the northwest Highlands with fog reported at Aviemore and Kinloss which seemed to fit. The only odd thing is that there’s no proper snow cover on Ben Wyvis.

What clinched it was when I checked the NASANASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the US federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research. EOSDISEOSDIS The Earth Observing System Data and Information System is a key core capability in NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Program. Designed and maintained by Raytheon Intelligence & Space, it is a comprehensive data and information system designed to perform a wide variety of functions in support of a heterogeneous national and international user community. Worldview visible satellite image for that day.

So my bit of amateur “meteorological sleuthing” paid off 😉

Fog, Satellite, Scotland

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February 2024 – Circulation

February 2024 was a cyclonic month across the IONAIONA Islands Of North Atlantic. Yes I know there's an island called Iona, but this is so I don't have to use the term 'British Isles' when referring to the whole of Ireland and the UK., with a strong broad W’SW gradient that stretched from central Atlantic into northeast Russia. The Icelandic low was elongated further east into the northern Norwegian sea (-9 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar), and the Azores high displaced to the southeast towards the Canaries (+4 hPa). Mean MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. was below normal across the whole of IONA by as much as -9 hPA in northern Scotland.

Circulation, February, MSLP

February 2024 – Circulation Read More »

Decline in air frosts in Winter since 1960

There’s been a steady decline in the number of air frosts occuring in Winter [DJFDJF Meteorological Winter comprising the months of December, January & February] across the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. since 1960. In the southeast of England the decline in the last 64 years has been at the rate of 1.8 days per decade or 11.3 days. In the north of Scotland the decline has been somewhat slower at the rate of 1.4 days per decade or 8.6 days overall.

The climate record for air frosts only extends back to 1960 in the gridded form. I’m quite sure it could easily be extended back to at least 1884 by the UKMOUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, but they obviously don’t seem to find the time or enthusiasm to get around to it. You would think that the work would be trivial, since they must already have gridded daily night time minimum data, perhaps they’re hoping for a crowd sourced group of volunteers to step in and do it for them.

Climate, Frost, Global Warming

Decline in air frosts in Winter since 1960 Read More »

Evidence of rainfall bunching?

Above is a map of accumulated rainfall on the 21 February from 0000 to 0900 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). and estimated from weather radar. Is it evidence of rainfall bunching as mentioned in the recent Deep Dive given by Alex Deakin? Maybe. Here’s the link to the paper “Rainfall enhancement downwind of hills due to standing waves on the melting-level and the extreme rainfall of December 2015 in the Lake District of northwest England” (link).

Rain, Weather Radar

Evidence of rainfall bunching? Read More »

Cape Verde SST and tropical cyclones

I wonder if the current high SSTSST Sea Surface Temperatures off the west coast of Africa will spark off more Cape Verde tropical cyclones than occurred last year? For the record 2023, was a little above average using the accumulated ACEACE Accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) is a metric used by various agencies to express the energy released by a tropical cyclone during its lifetime. It is calculated by summing the square of a tropical cyclone's maximum sustained winds, measured every six hours. The resulting total can be divided by 10,000 to make it more manageable, or added to other totals in order to work out a total for a particular group of storms. index for the year in the North Atlantic. There were a handful of storms that originated from the around the Cape Verde Islands although I am unaware of any correlation between the number of cyclones and SST. As you can see that at the moment the SST is around +3°C and two degree warmer that at the same time last year. SST are fickle, and can change quite quickly, especially close to the coast, so these higher than average SST may well not persist into June.

SST, Tropical Cyclones

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Recent temperature fluctuations in the Scottish Highlands

Hourly Temperatures from Altnaharra

The last few weeks have seen temperatures fluctuate from a high of 16.8°C on the 28th of January to a low of -13.8°C on the 8th of February at Altnaharra. Similarly temperatures at Loch Glascarnoch swung from a high of 17.4°C to a low of -10.8°C over the same dates.

Hourly Temperatures from Loch Glascarnoch
Extremes, Temperature

Recent temperature fluctuations in the Scottish Highlands Read More »

January 2024 | Circulation

Temperatures across IONAIONA Islands Of North Atlantic. Yes I know there's an island called Iona, but this is so I don't have to use the term 'British Isles' when referring to the whole of Ireland and the UK. were close to average in January. I suspect the mean MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. chart is not telling us the full story, because with a mean flow like this, you might have expected temperatures to have been well above average.

If you turn up the granularity the pentadPentad A period of five days. mean pressure charts reveals why January wasn’t much milder. The 7th to 11th was cold and anticyclonic, the 12th to 16th NW’ly and the 17th to 31st was a milder W or SW’ly.

Anomalies, Circulation, January, MSLP

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Sunday, 28 January 2024 | Warmest January day in UK

28 January 2024
Max Temperatures [06-18]

Sunday the 28th of January 2024 was an interesting day across the Northwest of Scotland. The manual maximum temperature reading of 19.9°C at Achfary in Sutherland caught the UKMOUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy out completely, it was only yesterday that they were predicting the highest temperature today would be 16°C in the north of Wales, with a high of only 14°C forecast for the north of Scotland. It seems they have some serious problems forecasting temperatures in foehnFoehn A foehn, is a type of dry, relatively warm, downslope wind that occurs in the lee (downwind side) of a mountain range. It is a rain shadow wind that results from the subsequent adiabatic warming of air that has dropped most of its moisture on windward slopes (see orographic lift). As a consequence of the different adiabatic lapse rates of moist and dry air, the air on the leeward slopes becomes warmer than equivalent elevations on the windward slopes. conditions like these in their mesoscale model. Provisionally, the 19.9°C at Achfary exceeded the old record of 18.3°C by a whopping 1.6°C.

Interestingly, Achfary now holds two maximum UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. monthly records, one for December and now one for January
Thermograph for Loch Glascarnoch
A diurnal range of 19.8°C from a max of 17.4°C to a min of -2.4°C.
Comparison of the maximum anomalies on Sunday [06-18] with the minimum ones on Sunday night [18-06]

There was also a strange area of moderate/heavy rain which developed across central Scotland on the radar during the early afternoon, well ahead of the cold front that was just coming into the Western Isles at 1455 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).. In StrathpefferStrathpeffer Strathpeffer (Scottish Gaelic: Srath Pheofhair) is a village and spa town in Easter Ross, Highland, Scotland, with a population of 1,469. it produced large spots of rain from 1330 UTC, and a spell of moderate rain just before 15 UTC. The rain seemed to be falling out of blue sky at times, and even at 15 UTC there was only seven oktas of thin CICSCICS A combination of Cirrus Cirrostratus cloud and some thin lenticular ACAC Altocumulus clouds are generally associated with settled weather and will normally appear white or grey with shading. Height of base: 7,000 - 18,000 ft Shape: Bands or areas of individual cells Latin: altum - height; cumulus - heap Altocumulus clouds are small mid-level layers or patches of clouds, called cloudlets, which most commonly exist in the shape of rounded clumps. There are many varieties of altocumulus, however, meaning they can appear in a range of shapes. Altocumulus are made up of a mix of ice and water, giving them a slightly more ethereal appearance than the big and fluffy lower level cumulus. in the sky. The wind in the tops of the trees must have been close to force six from 270° so all I can assume it was being blown a very long way. The only thing I can think that caused it was an upper cold front running ahead and parallel to the cold front.

Saharan dust producing this peachy coloured high level CICS
Courtesy of @HighlandWeather
January, Scotland, Temperature, Warm

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Definition of a Gale

Gales around the coast of the British Isles are a fairly common occurrence, but inland they occur much less frequently. In the media the word ‘gale’ seems to be bandied about with little thought of what it actually means. According to the fourth edition of the Meteorological glossary, published in 1963, a gale was a 10 minute sustained mean wind speed of 34 knots (39 mph) or more. As an observer from 1970 to 1995 that’s what I always thought the definition was, but in the sixth edition of the glossary, published some thirty years later, I notice that the definition has been updated to include gusts of 43-51 knots (49-58 mph) as well. So a gale can occur without a mean of 34 knots or more if a gust reaches Beaufort force nine or higher, which to me confuses the whole issue. The definition of a gale day remains the same.

I notice the definition in the Marine Forecast glossary on the Met OfficeUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy website rather ambiguously fails to mention at all sustained mean speed of 10 minutes in its definition of various gale warnings.

Definitions, Gale

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Frost severity definition

The definition for frost severity as laid down by the Meteorological Office in their Glossary of 1991, has remained unchanged for many years. Frost severity is dependent not just on the lowest minimum temperature, but also on the wind speed, so there are two sets of values for ‘slight’, ‘moderate’, ‘severe’ and ‘very severe’, one for when mean wind speeds are 10 knots or more and one for when they are less.
There are many euphemisms for frost used by today’s weathercasters that are simply misleading and bad practice. Common amongst these are ‘sharp’, ‘touch’, ‘pinch’, ‘hard’, and ‘light’, they’re all bollocks as far as I am concerned. If weathercasters stuck to the same rigid definition the general public might have a better clue to just how severe an upcoming frost might be, what a forlorn hope of mine that will ever happen.
It’s also interesting to note that the glossary mentions just two basic types of frost, an ‘air frostair frost An air frost occurs when the temperature of the air falls below 0.0°C’, and a ‘ground frost’, so forget about ‘grass frost’, even if the thermometer that’s used to measure it is referred to as a ‘grass minimum’ thermometer.

Definitions, Frost

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The Bermuda Triangle of Scotland

Although we’ve seen a number of snow showers this morning in StrathpefferStrathpeffer Strathpeffer (Scottish Gaelic: Srath Pheofhair) is a village and spa town in Easter Ross, Highland, Scotland, with a population of 1,469., they all proved light and were on their last legs before they managed to put a dusting down along the Strath. This is our sixth winter here, and I reckon that snow showers in a winter situation like this with a 30-40 knot N’NW gradient generally have a range of around 90 km as they come in land from the north coast before they simply just run out of steam, or should that be water vapor. Obviously with a stronger gradient, deeper cold air and increased instability, or change in wind direction that 90 km longevity might well increase.

Scotland, Snow, Strathpeffer

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The most anticyclonic January – 1992

It looks like this January (2024) could turn into a very anticyclonic month from this weekend, so I thought I would take a look back in the objective LWTLWT Lamb Weather Types are often used in UK-based analyses, with individual weather patterns based on the eight primary cardinal directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) plus cyclonic (C), anticyclonic (A) and unclassified (U) types. records, which started in 1871, and found that January 1992 was the most anticyclonic on record., although despite it being so anticyclonic, it never really managed to generate more than a few easterly days at the start of the third week.

MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. that month across the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. got close to 1050 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar on the 26th as you can see from the chart for 12 UTCUTC Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time (such as UT1) at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)., the highest on that chart was 1049.0 hPa at Cynwyd in Denbighshire. I only have main synoptic hour data so it may have broken through 1050 hPa. Notice that they’re also plotted SYNOPSYNOP SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) is a numerical code (called FM-12 by WMO) used for reporting weather observations made by manned and automated weather stations. SYNOP reports are typically mad hourly and consist of groups of numbers (and slashes where data is not available) describing general weather information, such as the temperature, barometric pressure and visibility at a weather station. reports from Cape Wrath, Butt of Lewis and Binbrook on that chart, those were the days 😉

One other point about January 1992 is that it was also a El NinoEl Niño El Niño 'The Boy' is the warm phase of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific month.

ENSO, January, LWT, MSLP

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Mean Sea Level Pressure – 2023

At a glance it looks like MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. across the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. in 2023 was more often below average than it was above. There were a couple of notable anticyclonic spells in January and February, and again from mid May into Mid June, but that was about it, with extended cyclonic spells in January, March, July and from mid October to mid November.


Mean Sea Level Pressure – 2023 Read More »

Circulation – December 2023

MSLPMSLP Mean sea level pressure is the pressure at sea level, or, when measured at a given elevation on land, the station pressure reduced to sea level assuming an isothermal layer at the station temperature. anomalies in December were not too dissimilar to those of November, with the Icelandic low pushed further south into mid-Atlantic by higher than usual pressure across Greenland. Pressure was lower than average across the 55N latitude from Scotland east into the southern Baltic(-8 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar) and higher than average (+5 hPa) to the west of Portugal. This all added up to a tight W’SW flow from the central Atlantic across England and Wales, and eastward on into Germany and Poland. All a result of a south shifted jet stream for much of the month.

Circulation, MSLP

Circulation – December 2023 Read More »

A UK Gale Index

I’ve developed yet another Windows weather application, one that I have been meaning to write for several years now, it analyses reported hourly wind speed and gusts in SYNOPSYNOP SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) is a numerical code (called FM-12 by WMO) used for reporting weather observations made by manned and automated weather stations. SYNOP reports are typically mad hourly and consist of groups of numbers (and slashes where data is not available) describing general weather information, such as the temperature, barometric pressure and visibility at a weather station. observations from WMOWMO The World Meteorological Organisation is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for promoting international cooperation on atmospheric science, climatology, hydrology and geophysics. block #03, and produces a simple daily and hourly gale index [GIGI Gale Index] for all available stations below 250M, which usually ends up being around 150 sites across the UKUK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a country in Europe, off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. and Ireland. I’ve done it to see how viable it would be for an organisation, such as the UKMOUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, to come up with an objective, rather than a subjective way of naming storms. The screenshot above shows a data grid of hourly GI in the main form, with daily and hourly data from the 26th of September up to the 21st of December 2023. I have now analysed all hourly SYNOP data back to 2015, which is the year naming storms commenced in the UK.

The GI itself is very simple, and is just the sum of the mean Beaufort force for each station plus half the Beaufort force of it’s highest gust, from all stations for that hour. I’ve found that from looking at all previous named storms that an index of 100 equates to a gale and 200 to a named storm event. You can see the seven named storms we’ve seen since the start of the 2023/24 season. Using these values as a guide I can easily list all the named storms. Some of these were named other Met Services other than the UKMO, and a couple of the storms were named for their heavy rain rather that strong winds.

This is where the fun starts, because as you can see Pia, a storm named by the DMIDMI The Danish Meteorological Institute is the national meteorological service for Denmark and Greenland. on the 21st of December, had a maximum hourly GI of 709 which is at least twice as high as any of the previous named storm so far this season. It was eventually named, but surprisingly not by the UKMO. If you look down the table you’ll also notice storm Ciaran only had a GI of 169, and using the 200 threshold for storms as a guide it should not have been named. There are plenty more named storms like Ciaran that just didn’t make the grade. There are also other times when a GI exceeded 200 but that didn’t result in a storm being named. On looking back I’ve found that this often occurs when a low affects Scotland, and I beleive it’s because the UKMO link the naming of storms with their NSWWSNSWWS The National Severe Weather Warning Service is a service provided by the Met Office in the United Kingdom. The purpose of this service is to warn the public and emergency responders of severe or hazardous weather which has the potential to cause danger to life or widespread disruption. This allows emergency responders to put plans into place to help protect the public and also allowing the public to make necessary preparations.. Usually, but not always, if they issue an amber warning a storm automatically gets named, sometimes a yellow warning is all that’s required outside Scotland, but because the threshold for an amber strong wind warning is 80 mph (or higher) rather than 70 mph for elsewhere in the UK, amber warnings are rarer in Scotland. That’s the reason why I believe the UKMO didn’t choose to name Pia.
The next logical step is to break down the GI regionally because that’s it weakness.
Below is a ranked list of all the named storms since 2015 and all the missed events. As you can see I have also assigned each named storn a category from one to five. Ciara, a category five storm, had the highest maximum GI of any of them. In third place you’ll notice is the Ross-shire (or the unnamed) storm of January 2015 which I’ve included because it occurred just before the naming of storm commenced.

This application is still WIPWIP Work In Progress so ignore the mean column for now I will get round to fixing it.

Gale, Named Storms, Software

A UK Gale Index Read More »

The Secret World of Weather – Tristan Gooley

Call me old fashioned or even out-of-date if you like, but Tristan Gooley book ‘The secret world of weather’ does contain a number of errors in my opinion. I’ve not read it cover to cover because I don’t particularly like his writing style (‘joyful breeze’ I don’t think so 🤨), and compared with a really good book about the weather, such as Gordon Manley classic ‘Climate and the British Scene’, this book comes a very poor second. Take for instance Tristan’s description of ‘glazed ice’. He seems to be confused with ‘ground ice’ and ‘glaze’ or clear ice. Glaze is formed when supercooled water droplets come into contact with objects such as trees or roads the temperature of which are close to freezing, and when they do, a layer of ice forms instantly on the object. Frozen water on roads and paths is dangerous enough, but the results of glazed ice are far more dangerous. I’ll add to this post if I find any other goofs when, and if, I attempt to read any more of it. 😉


The Secret World of Weather – Tristan Gooley Read More »

November 2023 – Mean Pressure

In November it looks like the semi-permanent Icelandic low decided to do some early Christmas shopping and head southeast towards Scotland. Thanks to blocking, from Greenland across to northern Scandinavia, for much of the month, anomalies were low from Denmark to eastern Russia (-12 hPahPa A Hectopascal is the SI unit of pressure and identical to the Millibar) and higher (+8 hPa) to the northeast of Iceland. Much of the cyclonic activity in the first half of the month took place at latitude 50° north, the North Atlantic’s answer to the roaring forties. 😉

Here’s a closer look at the daily charts and associated LWTLWT Lamb Weather Types are often used in UK-based analyses, with individual weather patterns based on the eight primary cardinal directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) plus cyclonic (C), anticyclonic (A) and unclassified (U) types. and GIGI Gale Index.

Anomalies, MSLP, November

November 2023 – Mean Pressure Read More »

The December 2023 cold spell

The number of hours below 0°C in the last 96 hours
Please note the CairngormCairn Gorm Cairn Gorm (Scottish Gaelic: An Càrn Gorm) is a mountain in the Scottish Highlands. It is part of the Cairngorms range and wider Grampian Mountains. With a summit elevation of 1,245 m (4,085 ft) above sea level, Cairn Gorm is classed as a Munro and is the seventh-highest mountain in the British Isles. and Aonach Mor SIESAWS went offline as soon as the cold spell started😁
December, Frost, Temperature

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The definition of freezing and what constitutes an air frost

Different types of frost
Inset from the Meteorological Glossary

Did you know that a minimum air temperature of 0.0°C is NOT a frost? An air frostair frost An air frost occurs when the temperature of the air falls below 0.0°C only occurs when the air temperature in a Stevenson screen falls below zero celsius i.e. goes negative and not before. The Met OfficeUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy website in an item about the types of frost is wrong. I did inform them of the fact and they have promised to correct it.

The UKMOUKMO The Meteorological Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. It is an executive agency and trading fund of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy are in pretty good company not understanding what the exact definition of frost is, neither do the “experts” down at the Royal Meteorological Society either. I informed them about this slip up on their website a while ago, but so far the haven’t bothered to reply.

I notice that the Royal Meteorological Society have now corrected the ‘Touch of frost’ article on their website about the definition of what an air frost is, but not so much as a thank you from them. At least I did get a reply from the Met Office help desk, but it still hasn’t been corrected on their website the last time I looked.

I was astounded to find when I bought the book by the Met Office called ‘Very British Weather’ to add to my collection of books on weather and climate, that they had it wrong too.

On page 181 of the book I notice it states that ‘freezing conditions’ occur ‘when the temperature is at or below 0°C’. There’s no arguing that 0.0°C is the freezing point of water, but ‘freezing conditions’, even an ‘air frost’, surely can’t occur until the air temperature is below that temperature, and not at it. It’s a small even a trivial point, but these three instances are or were all wrong. I’m still trying to understand what the paragraph at the foot of the page is trying to say.😉

Frost, Royal Met Society, UKMO

The definition of freezing and what constitutes an air frost Read More »

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